Friday, January 6, 2017

The group of people that once held power in America represents the White Race the exact same way the Black Lives Matter group represents the entire Black Race. There was never a meeting of all the white people to determine that these atrocities of power would be conducted any more than all the black people got together and gave the Black Lives Matter their mantle. There have however been many meetings of the academic elite to determine their agendas for the country. Own the youth and you own the power. The racial makeup of the people who hold these positions of power have changed dramatically but the power is still held by academia and their offspring the political elite. Academia still controls the choice of which ideology will be used to indoctrinate and brain wash the young mind. 
 The problem is not white or male. The problem is that the academic elite hold the power to choose who is successful and who is not. If a professor doesn't like you or your perspective s/he can simple lower your grade and not call on you in class, thereby denying you access to both power and station in life. As long as academia controls the ideology and the ability to brain wash the young mind the people will never be truly free. The educational and political systems in America have long been corrupted by their own power. The power of the people who know they are smarter than you. They still think they know better than you and have therefore decided upon the future beliefs of your children. You see, they want you to live their lives their way.
Read the provocative new book from hard hitting author Emmanuel S. John. "The Pacification of Humanity: Exposing the Ideological Contagions," is not a book about politics, it's a book about the affect of politics on your life! A book that exposes the hypocrisy of policy and the inconsistency of Ideology. It explains how propaganda and political correctness create division, societal discord and self-concept confusion. It will help you find your way in a lost society.

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