Tuesday, January 24, 2017

States are Nation States; At least they should be. States Have Rights!


A State is a Nation
States Have Rights
The reality is that when the United States was formed it was the coming together of many smaller "Nation States" to pool their resources for a common defense; at that time mostly against England.  In order to do this they found it was necessary to unilaterally finance that effort.  They realized they would have to create a body to govern and maintain that effort.  All these little "Nation States" at the time had their own Constitutions (Laws) and printed currencies.  This made interstate commerce and pooling resources difficult because not every state accepted the other Nation State's tender.  For this and other reasons they found it was also necessary to coin a common currency that could be used as the Nation States United.  (FYI  Federal income taxes did not permanently exist until 1930 with the exception of inheritance taxes around 1913. Before that the States' revenues financed the Federal Union.)

Fast forward 200 year to Europe and the creation of the Euro.  This was the first step in bringing the European Union together like the United States had done 2 centuries earlier.  When this Union was initiated the Nation States of Europe (soon to be the European Union) decided to centralize their power as a group now in Strasbourg on the border between France and Germany.   Eventually this body became known as the European Parliament.  Eventually this body made the majority of legal decisions for all the Nation States of Europe. 

The point here is not about the similarities between the EU and USA; the point here is about what happens to the power that once belonged to the States when they unite under a single body. The Nation Sates of the European Union can no longer control their own border or immigration laws; now any citizen of any Nation State of the EU can move to and live anywhere they want without National permission.  Now they can't be stopped by the individual nation because the individual Nation State really no longer exists.  The Nation States of Europe have lost their power much like the Nation States of the United States. 

Just like our Federal government the EU body has gained too much control.  The recent Brexit vote for the UK (Great Britain) to exit the European Union was much like cession would be for a state in the United States.   Again, the point is not about the similarities between these two bodies it's about what a STATE is and how their power has been stolen.  This was not in the agreement made during the last Convention of the States that outlined the power of the Federal government.

If you listen carefully when world politics are discussed you will hear nations referred to as States; as in Head of State, Secretary of State, etc…  That is the actual definition; a State is a Nation.  That was the design behind the United States.  When you hear the term "government overreach" people are often referring to the Federal Government's efforts to steal away State's Rights.   This theft of Power (taking power from the states) is most often done by an unelected body known as the Supreme Court.

Many of us politically aware Americans (Patriots) voted for President TRUMP because we knew that he was interested in and invested  in returning States their rights by reducing Federal regulation and by appointing Constitutionalists to the Supreme court (people who vote to return Constitutional power to the states).  

While there are some tasks that a Federal Government can do better than the individual States their demand that States comply is where the controversy lies.  Nearly every State still has its own Constitution.  Once upon a time before the Federal Government and the Supreme Court took power they didn't have, many states even had a State Religion.  The separation of Church and State is a Federal ruling telling the States what they could and couldn't do.   Before the Federal Government over reach things like Marriage, Abortion, Environment, Labor and Licensing issues where all State issues determined by State laws.

There used to be an old adage; "Vote with your feet."  This meant that states actually competed for people to move to their states. It also suggested that if you don't like something you could move.  This was the issue the Civil War was actually fought over.  Not slavery, that was the narrative the politicians used to win the people's favor.  The argument and war over slavery wasn't actually a war about slavery, it was a war about States' rights.  The South lost that war and the true Power and Rights of the States was permanently diminished with it.  Revised history has suggested that, and now teaches that the Civil War was about slavery.  Very few people would have fought for slavery, they REBEL-ed because they didn't want to be told what to do by people they didn't know.  That was why we left Europe/England to begin with.      

See this building?  It is the home of the European Union

Image result for european union headquarters building tower of babel

Not be confused with the Tower of Babel
Image result for european union headquarters building tower of babel

This was a planned similarity but in a bit of irony they failed to heed the story about the building; about how God did not approve of their Union.  How God perceived this as man trying to be God and take even access Heaven without Him.  The tower of Babel was a symbol of man playing God.

The Tower of Babel is a Near Eastern etiological myth that is recorded in the Jewish Tanakh's first book (Genesis); it is meant to explain the origin of different languages. According to the story, a united humanity of the generations following the Great Flood, speaking a single language and migrating eastward, came to the land of Shinar. There they agreed to build a city and a tower "tall enough to reach heaven"; seeing this, God, confounded their speech so that they could no longer understand each other and scattered them around the world (into different races and societies).

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"The Pacification of Humanity: Exposing the Ideological Contagions," is not a book about politics, it's a book about the affect of politics on your life both past and present. A book that exposes the hypocrisy of policy and the inconsistency of Ideology. It explains how propaganda and political correctness create division, societal discord and identity confusion. It will help you find your way in a lost society.

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