Saturday, February 11, 2017

Liberal/Progressives are closer to Fascists while Conservatives and Libertarians are closer to Anarchists

Liberal/Progressives are closer to Fascists while Conservatives and Libertarians are closer to Anarchists

Don't be confused by the liberal name callers, race baiters and those wishing to polarize the American populace.  There is an old expression at play here for the left that seems to reflect a great reality of political life in America today: "If you spot it, you got it."  It seems the reason why so many progressives and liberals are seeing Hitler everywhere is because they are usually either married to him or just sitting next to her.  They are most likely teaching your class in progressive academia.

This diagram above is where the term LEFT and RIGHT actually originate from.  There is no debate about this and any ideology built around refuting the reality of the chart is nothing more than propaganda and wishful thinking; maybe even denial.  
A fascist would never seek to reduce regulations of any kind and a communist/socialist would never seek to expand liberty/freedom.  This includes FREE-MARKET economies; lefties always want more control over your money.  Control is addictive and they are addicted.  There is no freedom in totalitarianism.

The real determining factor for the political spectrum, the thing that place you to the left tor right is about the control of the people and their behavior. RULES. Much like the Socialist/Progressives, the Communists and Fascists want to tell you how to live your life; they want to decide what is OK and what is not OK. They will tell you what is acceptable and not acceptable because they really believe in their HEADS that they are smarter than everyone who sees things differently than they do; just like a fascist dictator.   Progressives are regulators at their core.  The term Progress means to move towards a goal.  A goal is an agenda.  Look no further than Bernie and Pocahontas to see the left fiending for more control.  They want to regulate everything from the water to the sky; from the bedroom to the bathroom to the kitchen.  They really do want you to live your life, their way.

The Conservatives (which fall to the RIGHT of Republicans and to the left of the tea party) believe in more freedom but not complete freedom: Not as much freedom as the true Anarchists but certainly much closer than the liberals do.  
What confuses some people is that Anarchists often appear at Democrat rallies and they often claim to be Democrats.  The only real DEM Anarchist are actually holdovers from the civil war era.  They are the Democrats that fought to keep slavery in place.  They see themselves as Anarchist because they don't want to be told WHICH RULES they have to follow but they do still like rules (i.e. I own that slave, he's mine).  They are not Anarchist.  
Somehow they claimed that being able to own slaves was an issue of freedom; obviously that is more MORONIC than ANARCHIST.  There presence at DEM rallies is a default because Republicans freed their slaves.  People on the right would never allow those types of unbridled behaviors in their name, mostly because they interfere with other people rights of safety and property.  The liberals and "anarchists" have placed together by liberal professors who need numbers in their party.  They have actually been co-opted by a starving DEM party. 

I've debated many Anarchists and in reality none of them are true Anarchist.  {Just go to any Anarchist Facebook page and comment.  They will kick you out for not following the rules of their page.  Moronic!!!} Most of them are just angry passive-aggressives who want to be able to rage against something but are afraid to pay the personal price to show their face.  Most have never even pondered real Anarchy. 
If you ever meet a person who claims to be an anrchistone just ask them this.  "Do you think it's OK if I come to your house, beat the crap out of you, throw you out into the street and take your house as my own; for no other reason than I'm bigger than you are more heavily armed?  So it's OK for me take that car too right? See how quick they threaten legal (rules) action. A true Anarchy has NO LAWS. This also means I could walk in their stores and take whatever I wanted too.  They have no answer to this simple question. (Vikings scare them.)  
Most people who claim to be Anarchists are really Tea Party'ers but they have been brain washed by the media and the powers in charge of their learning to hate freedom loving Tea Party'ers.  (Irony alert; Faux Anarchists actually have rules to hate certain groups.)

A simple mistake is that Conservative are sometimes seen as TOO religious and the rules of God are often perceived as the opposite of freedom.  While Conservatives often see God as an absolute it is still a choice (FREEDOM) to decide to be a Christian.  Emotional coercion is not a loss of freedom; you can still be a sinner if you really want to. 

The above chart is about political/governmental control.  The only time a religious group could be seen to be left of Liberals are in places like the Middle East.  The Taliban wants a theocracy (a very far left structure) as does Iran and ISIS.  (Perhaps the reason the left empathizes with the travel ban is because they actually wish they had the amount of control over the people that the Islamists demand, just kidding, sort of.)  When people from these groups come here they still want control and they know the libtard is their ticket.  
Due to Revised History being propagated in the school systems of America most people here in the US under 40, believe that the so called religious practices of Islam have always reflected what they see around them in he media now.  This is a myth.  The radical fundamentalist controls of Islamists and Middle-eastern terrorists are actually fairly new in the middle east too.  They have been spreading due to the threats of death and public beatings for non compliance.  These radicals have taken over control from the real peace loving Muslims of 30 years ago.
 Image may contain: 11 people, people smiling, child, text and outdoor 
So, simply stated; A person on the right can't be called a Fascist by someone on the left.  When you hear them yell Hitler just think; they are yelling "I'm stupid. I've been brain washed."
When a leftist calls a person on the right a fascist they are just showing they are indoctrinated Ass-ists.

President Trump is actually a Free-market Capitalist which is not really a political reference.  It's an economic reference.  He is actually somewhere between the Republican and Conservative.  It wasn't that long ago that he was a registered DEM,  It takes time to truly move to the right.  Like they have done to a lot of Americans the extreme Progressives and the Obama administration have pushed people like him to the right.

(The above information is either from the book; "The Pacification of Humanity; Exposing the Ideological Contagions." or is an intellectual property.  Like all the information contained on this blog it is copyright protected. These intellectual properties belongs to the author; Emmanuel S. John.  Feel free to share this blog but please be sure to include its original context and origins. Please site appropriately. )

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