It doesn't make any difference if man has anything to do with it or not because HUMANS aren't going to do anything about it! It's a joke
because less than 1% of the truest of true believers have made any real changes in their lifestyles that would make a difference using their own standards. They don't want to make sacrifices they just want
you to.
The main
reason climate change is a joke is simple; even the truest of true believers
aren't willing to make the sacrifices necessary to make any kind of a
difference. Less than 1% have stopped
driving cars, have stopped buying products from "polluting
companies," have stopped using non renewable energy sources or even consuming
products that end up both polluting the environment and raping the planet of its resources.
That's right
my friends, the whole thing is a lie because they don't want to stop any of
those behaviors they just want you too (Or should I say U2? They seem fine
flying around the world in their jets to make $$$ and complain about you.)
Almost 0% of
the propaganda cultists have done anything that would make a difference
according to their own causal beliefs. Even
the most dedicated propagandist of the man caused problem haven't stopped doing
much of anything other than talk. That
is why its all bullshit. It's all a
tactic of human division to create voting blocks. It's not about
saving the planet its about dividing the people using a tactic called
polarization. Just because you get angry about it doesn't mean its real; it just means you got really played. (How interesting is it that
term polarization and polar ice caps just seem to be on opposite ends of the
Earth. Just like they want us to be, at odds
with each other. It's working too.)
Excuse my
language but until you punch drinking Sheeple on the left stop with the phony GLO-BULLSHIT hypocrisy and
start living by example instead of rhetoric I will be out in the woods. I'll be with the
rest of the people on the right you call stupid who actually protect the wild life and the environment
from folks like you. People like you that throw trash out your SUV windows when you drive by at
double the speed limit in your hurry to the mall so you can consume more
products and create more waste.
While you're there get yourself another green peace tee-shirt you don't need to reinforce your self righteous delusions to your friends, sit in your running SUV in the drive-through instead of getting off your lazy ass to get a latte in a throwaway cup, then stop and get a McSandwhich in a Styrofoam or paper container that you can toss out in the woods or on the side of your super highway. Don't worry though because some Christian group will make sure that trash gets picked up this weekend as their families unite to kill the Earth by taking personal responsibility for your hedonistic self gratification.
Do I believe we
have a problem? Oh yeah! But it's not about pollution per say. It's about too many damn people who aren't going to do anything but talk; its about over
population and not enough resources to feed them, cloth them nurture them. But no worries because no one is going to do
anything about that either Mr. and Ms breeder.
Until you Globull cultist make the REAL changes you preach the rest of us will actually keep cleaning up the self indulgent messes you leave behind at your Save-the Earth "PROTEST."
(I go into
some simple science in book where I show you the actual numbers according to
their own science. They usually cover
about 80k years in their data, Earth cycles just happen to be more like 100k
years with the last ice age ending only 12 thousands years ago. That's right. We've been warming up since
then, all without human factories or SUVs.)
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"The Pacification of Humanity: Exposing the Ideological Contagions," is not a book about politics, it's a book about the affect of politics on your life both past and present. A book that exposes the hypocrisy of policy and the inconsistency of Ideology. It explains how propaganda and political correctness create division, societal discord and identity confusion. It will help you find your way in a lost society.
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