Sunday, May 7, 2017


Where is all the outrage?   
The people that create all the outrage in America, the mainstream press, all own these Sexist and Racist TV stations.
It's their dirty little secret and they'll never tell on each other.
  They have not had a man of color on late night since the time of Ronald Reagan. (Hint; Things that make you go hmmmm? The dog pound) 
Personally, I can't even remember a female on late night that wasn't just filling in for the white guy.  When they do put on a woman or a token man of color they are never given the big chair for the BIG SHOW.  
 Look back over the history of late night, Leno, Carson/s Letterman, (a bunch of losers I can remember by name) all white guys.  Why is that?  Why do they exclusively give these chairs to white guys?  Why hasn't anyone said anything about this very obvious disparity?  
 In fact, if you look at the guests they are all usually either white guys, black men they can race pimp or women they can sexually exploit for how they look.   
Just sayin!  

It's time for the hypocrisy to be exposed for what it is.  Race, Gender, socioeconomic disparity are all only important when it comes to creating outrage for leftist propaganda.  Oh yeah!  Sure!  They care!  Right! It isn't reflected in their behavior. 

In the book the Pacification of Humanity I explain in detail how we can see past these ideological contagions and how we can purge our minds of this pollution of perspective.  
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"The Pacification of Humanity: Exposing the Ideological Contagions," is not a book about politics, it's a book about the affect of politics on your life both past and present. A book that exposes the hypocrisy of policy and the inconsistency of Ideology. It explains how propaganda and political correctness create division, societal discord and identity confusion. It will help you find your way in a lost society.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Are You Full of Glo-Bull?


It doesn't make any difference if man has anything to do with it or not because HUMANS aren't going to do anything about it! It's a joke because less than 1% of the truest of true believers have made any real changes in their lifestyles that would make a difference using their own standards.  They don't want to make sacrifices they just want you to.

The main reason climate change is a joke is simple; even the truest of true believers aren't willing to make the sacrifices necessary to make any kind of a difference.  Less than 1% have stopped driving cars, have stopped buying products from "polluting companies," have stopped using non renewable energy sources or even consuming products that end up both polluting the environment and raping the planet of its resources. 

That's right my friends, the whole thing is a lie because they don't want to stop any of those behaviors they just want you too (Or should I say U2? They seem fine flying around the world in their jets to make $$$ and complain about you.)

Almost 0% of the propaganda cultists have done anything that would make a difference according to their own causal beliefs.  Even the most dedicated propagandist of the man caused problem haven't stopped doing much of anything other than talk.  That is why its all bullshit.  It's all a tactic of human division to create voting blocks.  It's not about saving the planet its about dividing the people using a tactic called polarization.  Just because you get angry about it doesn't mean its real; it just means you got really played.  (How interesting is it that term polarization and polar ice caps just seem to be on opposite ends of the Earth.  Just like they want us to be, at odds with each other. It's working too.)
Excuse my language but until you punch drinking Sheeple on the left stop with the phony GLO-BULLSHIT hypocrisy and start living by example instead of rhetoric I will be out in the woods.  I'll be with the rest of the people on the right you call stupid who actually protect the wild life and the environment from folks like you.  People like you that throw trash out your SUV windows when you drive by at double the speed limit in your hurry to the mall so you can consume more products and create more waste. 
 While you're there get yourself another green peace tee-shirt you don't need to reinforce your self righteous delusions to your friends, sit in your running SUV in the drive-through instead of getting off your lazy ass to get a latte in a throwaway cup, then stop and get a McSandwhich in a Styrofoam or paper container that you can toss out in the woods or on the side of your super highway.  Don't worry though because some Christian group will make sure that trash gets picked up this weekend as their families unite to kill the Earth by taking personal responsibility for your hedonistic self gratification.        

Do I believe we have a problem?  Oh yeah!  But it's not about pollution per say.  It's about too many damn people who aren't going to do anything but talk; its about over population and not enough resources to feed them, cloth them nurture them.  But no worries because no one is going to do anything about that either Mr. and Ms breeder.

Until you Globull cultist make the REAL changes you preach the rest of us will actually keep cleaning up the self indulgent messes you leave behind at your Save-the Earth "PROTEST."

(I go into some simple science in book where I show you the actual numbers according to their own science.  They usually cover about 80k years in their data, Earth cycles just happen to be more like 100k years with the last ice age ending only 12 thousands years ago.  That's right. We've been warming up since then, all without human factories or SUVs.)

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"The Pacification of Humanity: Exposing the Ideological Contagions," is not a book about politics, it's a book about the affect of politics on your life both past and present. A book that exposes the hypocrisy of policy and the inconsistency of Ideology. It explains how propaganda and political correctness create division, societal discord and identity confusion. It will help you find your way in a lost society.

Thursday, March 16, 2017



The Judicatory is only 1/3 of the 3 equal branches of government that the Constitution says runs the National Government.  The Judiciary does not sit on the top to LORD over the other two; they are co-equal branches yet they, the judiciary, seem convinced by unchecked power, that they actually do RULE OVER the other two.   (AND ALL OF US FOR THAT MATTER).   They believe that our choices do not matter if they "think" they are wiser.
We now live in the shambles of an unbalanced republic where the federal government structure has been perverted by selfish self-serving ideologues.  This behavior on the part of the Judiciary, is the very reason our Constitution (in the second amendment) allows us to bear arms: To protect ourselves from unchecked power grabs that would subvert the will of the people.
There is absolutely nothing in our Constitution that allows these judges to write policy or to interfere with policy without real (not circumstantial) evidence;. There "job" is to use only real evidence to give verdicts based on events. Their job under the Constitution is not preemptive, it is reactive, yet here they are saying what they are concerned "could" happen with no actual evidence. 

Individual judges do not have the power to strike down (subvert) the Presidential power prescribed to the President in the Constitution. The Judiciary is now making laws (the job of the executive and legislative branches) based on their conjecture of the President's personality and not on actual cases or even real life events. There interference with a Presidential order is sedition. 
This is how a shadow government form and operate. They are a small group of people who actually believe that they are the ones running this country; they believe that they GET to decide our fate; that they are some how protecting the stupid electorate from themselves. 
Either they are stopped or we settle for the fact that we are no longer a republic run by elected officials but are instead a Fascist State run by a group of "people" operating only from their own personal ideology; based on how they, as a very small group, think an entire country should be managed. (This is the ideological CONTAGION I write about in the book) Their behaviors are treasonous to "we the people" who decided who will be running OUR country and which direction it should proceed in. They are trying to ignore the election and its consequences. 

(I have a caution for those on the left. Many of the people who voted for TRUMP knew that we MUST decide who picks the next Supreme court judges for this reason. If you can't understand why TRUMP was elected, now you know. 8 Years from now, our judges will be in place. Are you folks gonna like that then?)

Read for FREE on the website
Or take advantage of the New Start in the NEW YEAR Sale, on now! Clear up your vision and learn the truth.
"The Pacification of Humanity: Exposing the Ideological Contagions," is not a book about politics, it's a book about the affect of politics on your life both past and present. A book that exposes the hypocrisy of policy and the inconsistency of Ideology. It explains how propaganda and political correctness create division, societal discord and identity confusion. It will help you find your way in a lost society.

Monday, March 6, 2017

It's a poem not immigration policy. I'm calling BS!

It's a poem not immigration policy. I'm calling BS.  

Prove you deserve to live here; that you can contribute to our uniqueness and standing in the world.  Become an American or stay a foreigner.   

Amazing how inaccurate some people's awareness of history really is. Accidental?  I think not!  How many Americans think that this poem somehow structures our perspective on who we welcome into our country.

Is the poem on the Statue of Liberty immigration policy?  A,,,,,, NO!   A basis for our immigration policy?  A,,,,,, NO!   
Written by a woman with a deep understanding of our country, a politician or government official?  A,,,,,, NO!   
A well know figure across the country, a political thinking? A,,,,,, NO!   
A philosopher?  A,,,,,, NO! 

It is only a poem written by one person and installed years after the statue's dedication and her death.  Most people still don't know her name.  The writer had no educational foundation in either liberty or law; only literature and poetry.  Before I give you the poem here is some context.  

The poem's inscription and placement actually occurred years after the dedication of the statue that occurred on October 28, 1886.  The poem wasn't there when the LOCAL (only) government put the statue in place.  The poem was added later by a civic group of New Yorkers who were organized to maintain the monument. 


The New Colossus" as it is called, is a sonnet written by the American poet Emma Lazarus who lived form 1849–1887.  Her estate "donated" the poem in 1903 to raise money, (Not sure how it raised money) the poem was engraved on a bronze plaque and mounted inside the pedestal's lower level nearly 15 years after the statue was placed.

The original colossi (notice the plural form) were the larger-than-life statues made by the Greeks and Romans. The most famous of these was the Colossus of Rhodes, a statue of the sun god Helios built on the Greek island of Rhodes around 280 B.C. that was over 100 feet tall and took more than 12 years to build.

Here is the full POEM (Some of it is fairly incomprehensible and even nonsensical to the modern thinker.  It has no basis in political or govern-mental theory.)  

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
MOTHER OF EXILES. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

What a bunch of progressive who-y! Are you kidding me?  Mother of exiles ?  Criminals? "The wretched refuse of your teeming shore." Yeah! Great!  We'll be your human dumpster!

I love the delusional nature of her speaking for a woman (a statue) with silent lips.  Only a liberal would be so presumptuous.  Only one of the "New York elite" would be so arrogant to think she speaks for a nation. Only a group of elitists would be so bold as to suggest this was the view of America only several decades after the civil war.

The next time you hear someone use that line "give me your huddled masses"



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Or take advantage of the New Start in the NEW YEAR Sale, on now! Clear up your vision and learn the truth.
"The Pacification of Humanity: Exposing the Ideological Contagions," is not a book about politics, it's a book about the affect of politics on your life both past and present. A book that exposes the hypocrisy of policy and the inconsistency of Ideology. It explains how propaganda and political correctness create division, societal discord and identity confusion. It will help you find your way in a lost society.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Libtarded; 2 Faces, 4 Eyes, still can't see what is right in front of them.

Hypocrisy in plain site is ugly and a little pathetic.  
Willful ignorance in the dark is just plain sad.


It's kind of funny that the progressive elite, the people with 2 faces and 4 eyes, can't see what is right in front of them.  I can't say that I am shocked that the entitlement crowd can't take personal responsibility that they have failed their own party and the American people by not presenting a valuable alternative for president. 
What you will never hear them say is "WE FAILED."  "We deserved to lose.  We were the cheaters and were not the cheated; that we lost fair and square.  They will never admit that half of their old base dumped them flat out!  That they lost because they couldn't round up enough new identity voters to help them.  First is was Obama 2008; blacks get out and vote. Then it was Obama 2012 Gays get out and vote.  Then it was Killary 2016; oppressed women and hated Hispanics get out and vote.  
They never stopped to realize that Blacks, Gays, Women and Hispanics might actually want something more than an icon as proof of progress.  That these groups are not an identity block to be pimped out for their selfish ends but that they are in fact already respected, real people with real needs; that these "groups" are actually REGULAR people, individuals just like everyone else- ALREADY.   
It's just another pathetic proof that the progressive left can't MOVE-ON and that they will never learn from their mistakes.  This is the problem at the route of socialism and the progressive left; WE NEVER LEARN FROM THE MISTAKES OF THE PAST THAT SOCIALISM DOESN'T WORK; THAT AMERICANS DON'T WANT SOCIALISM: that socialism has failed every time it has been tried; miserably.  
Instead they actually prefer to double down on stupid and failed.   

Before the election they all loved and hung out with Trump every chance they got, for years and years, at least before he ran for president on the WRONG side.  Most know that Trump was a Democrat.  What they fail to see is that he came to his senses as a business man in progressive America that they had no efficacious polices for success.
They all sucked up and popularized him at every turn. Then we he announced, they started painting him with caricatures that were more like themselves then anyone one else.  They called him the hater with such hate that they were blinded by their own hate.  They can't see, even with two faces and four eyes that he is quite forgiving of those that went against him.  That he is less of a hater.  They can't see that they are the real Bastions of hate and intolerance in America.  They can't see that they have created the division in this country with their use of identity politics. They can't see that they have polarized this nation with their intolerance of anyone and everyone who sees the world differently than they do.

They have dug a hole so deep that now that they can't admit they failed.  Instead of admitting that they are the reason they really lost they look to Russia. This is the inability to accept personal responsibility on full display, yet they still can't see it.
The truth is they ran too many failed candidates without any real policies; only identities.  They can't see that they have used up identity politics and that it will no longer work in America.  That the American people beat them and their media with their own social media. They have specialized themselves right out of business.  That is the definition of LIBTARDED

They can't see that identity politics as a policy will no longer work with an informed electorate; all they can do is go after Trump's identity because that is all their party has and that is all they know.   
After they elected a guy racially (because he's was black and with no experience) and after they ran another person using sexism because she had a Vagina, all they have is WHO we are, and not WHAT we stand for (regarding policy).   
DEMOCRAT is the new definition of racism, sexism, division, intolerance and hatred. 

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Or take advantage of the New Start in the NEW YEAR Sale, on now! Clear up your vision and learn the truth.
"The Pacification of Humanity: Exposing the Ideological Contagions," is not a book about politics, it's a book about the affect of politics on your life both past and present. A book that exposes the hypocrisy of policy and the inconsistency of Ideology. It explains how propaganda and political correctness create division, societal discord and identity confusion. It will help you find your way in a lost society.