In the coming years I want to see some scissors! I want some federal departments ended. Sen them to the states where they belong. Le let the people move to the states that fit their beliefs. Let the people vote with their feet.
"The Pacification of Humanity: Exposing the Ideological Contagions," is not a book about politics, it's a hard hitting and honest look at the affect of politics, political correctness, media bias, propaganda and educational indoctrination on your life; both now and over the course of your life. The book exposes the hypocrisy of policy and the inconsistency of Ideology. It describes and explains how these issues create division and societal discord.
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
It takes a big brain to grasp large constructs of logic. We got it though, some people just don't get it. Comprehension; It's broader than a snowflake can think. While I'm sure they have all "out thunk" and exhausted every possibility included in a concept of a "Master of the Universe" I gonna reserve judgement on them until they can pay the rent on time with their own money. I mean,,, they should Master their own Universe first right?
Atheism is a religion, lets wait a while and see if we get a sermon in the comments.
Sometimes the progressive liberals are so ridiculous that it can even leave an author somewhat speechless. The logic is so incomprehensible it's like the ridiculousness has to be on purpose. This is what happens when you are blinded by your ideology and look for anything you can find to justify it so you can have it your way.